Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMK Semester 2 TA 2015/2016 -

1.    Budi     : This room is very hot, would you opening the window please? 
Amir     : ... 
a. thanks     b. thank you     c. that's good    d. I'd be glad to 

2.    A : My father died two days ago 
B : ... 
a. congratulation        b. I am sad 
c. I am sorry to hear that     d. that's great 

3.    I  ………. Adam and her sister two days ago.
a. meet    b. met    c. meets    d. meeting

4.    It was the ……….dinner I've ever cooked.
a. worst    b. worse    c. bad    d. more bad

5.    Jannata     : How long can you stay under water? 
    Nadia     : I can stay there ... I can hold my breath 
    a. as     b. as long as     c.  since     d.  for

6.    X    : …………….
Y     : "oh, I like it very much. It's not too big but not too small either and most of the people are   
    a. why do you like        b. why don't you like     
    c. what did you think         d. what do you like 

7.    Those gorillas have large heads and sharp ……….
a. toothes    b. tooth    c. tooths    d. teeth 

8.    Sue lost her ring ………. the sand ………. the beach.
a. at – in    b. of – in    c. in – at    d. on – in

9.    Tony     : "shall we go out for some ice cream?" 
    Tini     : " ... but I'm doing my assignment now." 
    a. Yes, thank you     b. I'd love to     c. No, I have no time    d. I like it 

10.    The luggage is twice the baby's weight. The luggage is ... the baby. 
a. heavier than     b. as heavy as    c. not so heavy as     d. lighter than 

11.    Tono found his dog sleeping in the car. This sentence means ... 
    a. his dog was sleeping in the car when he found it 
    b. when he found his dog he was sleeping in the car 
    c. he found his dog when he was sleeping in the car
    d. when his dog found him he was sleeping in the car 
12.    The smoke from vehicles and factories ... the air. 
a. pollutes     b. destroys    c. dirties     d. contaminates 

13.    He ………. his PhD at Delft Technical University in 1990
a. did    b. does    c. is    d. was

14.    X :"..." 
    Y : "Certainly" 
    a. could you carry this bag for me, please?     b. what is the weather like? 
    c. why don't you see the doctor?     d. who's speaking please? 

15.    We ………. basketball last week.
a. played    b. plays    c. has played    d. playing

16.    Mutia ………. a new cassette recorder last month.
a. buy    b. bought    c. buys    d. buyer

17.    Ani     : You promised to return my book now. I need badly? 
    Dian     : ... I left it home. I'll give it you this afternoon. 
    a. I'm very terrible    b. I don't mind     c. I'm sorry     d. I'm so pleased 

18.    Please speak .……. little louder, I can’t hear you!
a.     b. an    c. the    d. a 

19.    Irfan     : The test is very difficult. 
    Toni     : Hopefully, you can. 
    The underline utterance is an expression of ... 
    a.  showing disappointment     b.  admitting something                 c.  showing expectation     d.  complaining something 

20.    He ………. in Amsterdam for five years; then he ………. back to England
a. lived – come    b. lived – came    c. lives – comes    d. living – coming

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